Event Dates

25 Jul 2022
29 Jul 2022
Add to Calendar 20220725T0800 20220729T1300 Grassland Society of Southern Africa ?Also incorporating the 9th Research Skills Workshop and the Policy & Practice Workshop on ecological infrastructure.

?Advancing Rangeland Ecology and Pasture Management in Africa


Topics / Themes:

Climate change

Advances in methodology

Rangeland ecology and management

Planted pastures

Land transformation and rehabilitation

Feeding ecology

Livestock impacts on rangelands

Bush encroachment

Fire ecology

Conservation of rangelands

Primary production in rangelands

Special Session: Rangeland stewardship in communal farming landscapes: Innovative models for policy and planning

Special Session:?Feeds and forage, with a focus on the forage seed value chain

Standard Poster Sessions
Aldam Holiday Resort & Conference Centre Grassland Society of Southern Africa info@grassland.org.za

Notes for delegates

  • It is essential that you are able to log in to your Dryfta user account. If you experience any issues, please contact the Administrator via info@grassland.org.za. Do not create a duplicate user account!
  • Zoom session links will be shared via email, please check your emails regularly.
  • The sessions can also be accessed via Dryfta. Log in and go to Programme and open the relevant session - the link will be displayed or look for a JOIN LIVE/CHECK-IN button. You must be logged in!
  • CPD points will be awarded based on actual time spent in sessions.
  • Quiz questions will be posted by live poll during the Congress. The delegates who answer all the questions correctly will be entered into a lucky draw to win a prize. 
  • Adjudication of each presentation and poster can be done by all delegates via the Dryfta platform. Click on the Adjudication menu tab in Dryfta. The judging of presentations closes at 17h00 on Thursday, 29 July.
  • There is an award for the most prolific adjudicator.
  • The poster sessions will take place on Twitter during the tea and lunch breaks. Twitter is the place where all conversations related to Congress and the posters will take place. The Twitter handle for the Grassland Society is @GrasslandSocSA. Use the #GSSACongress56 to group all related congress posts together. Feel free to retweet posts, ask questions, and like the posts. Find your fellow delegates and presenters to engage with them. 
  • Posters for the day will be posted early on so that there is plenty of time to engage on the posters.
  • Virtual tour videos will be streamed during the breaks. 
  • The organisers plan to make the session presentations available to delegates for 48 hours after each session. Hence if delegates experience connectivity problems or loadshedding, they will still be able to view or review the sessions. The link to access these will be sent following the end of each session via email.
  • Tip: Any electronic devices near your microphone may cause interference. So, for instance, a cell phone near your laptop or even a fan in the room may cause interference. Make sure that as far as possible all unnecessary devices are switched off. Also, if you are logged into Zoom on more than one device this will cause feedback (awful screeching sound!), so do try to be connected with one device at a time.
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