Best Presentation - Portia Phohlo | Excessive nitrogen fertilization is a limitation to herbage yield and nitrogen use efficiency of dairy pastures in South Africa
Best Presentation by a Young Scientist - Likhona Cele | The use of interseeded cover crop species to improve the yield and nutritional quality of natural veld and planted pastures for ruminant livestock production
Norman Rethman Planted Pastures Award - Charné Viljoen | More benefits in kikuyu-ryegrass pastures from using lower nitrogen fertiliser rates
Best Research Proposal Poster - Jamie Paulse | The comparative effects of short duration, high density grazing and conventional, rotational grazing on different soil and vegetation parameters in the dry and mesic grasslands of South Africa
Best Poster - Lisa Matthews | Carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions in crop systems containing a pasture-livestock phase vs cash crop only rotation systems
Most prolific online adjudicator - Donna Berjak
Other awards:
Best Paper in the AJRFS in 2021 - Zander Venter, Heidi-Jayne Hawkins and Michael Cramer | Does defoliation frequency and severity influence plant productivity? The role of grazing management and soil nutrients
GSSA Prestige Award - Prof Nico Smit and Prof Tim O'Connor
GSSA Honorary Membership Award - Dr Ed Granger